What’s Happening

There is something for everyone.  Check out our upcoming events and join us.

Impact Sunday

Sunday, March 30 at 10:00 AM

It’s Impact Sunday, our youth Sunday! Sign up to serve and submit your special accomplishments to be recognized.  The deadline for submission is March 26.  Also Kristen Mellette will be ordained our NextGen Associate Pastor!  Make plans to celebrate with us.



Barnyard Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 12, 10:30 AM

Hop on over for our Barnyard Egg Hunt.  Get ready for an exciting time of age-appropriate egg hunts, games, jumpy houses, and much more.  We invite the entire community to join us, but don’t forget your basket!


Sunday, April 20   9AM & 11AM

Jesus is the center of our Easter celebration because He is the hope of our salvation. We invite you to join us in person at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. or view us online at 11 a.m.

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, April 27 at 10 AM

We want to celebrate with you in this next step of becoming a part of the family of God.  Sign up for our next baptism by April 20, 2025.

Baby Dedication

Sunday, August 24 at 10 AM

Baby dedications serve as a testament to God’s goodness and His masterful selection of every parent as stewards of their little ones.   If your child is 4 yrs. old and under,  sign them up for our next baby dedication by August 18, 2025.



These are our recurring events.  From Corporate Prayer to Newcomers Connect and our                                                                                                                                                                                                           Weekday Morning Prayer Call- you can connect and grow in your spiritual journey.


Morning Prayer

Weekdays at 7:00 AM

Prayer is vitally important. God is listening!  Join us weekdays on the prayer line.  Dial 1-540-792-0120 and enter Access Code 832910

Corporate Prayer

Saturday, April 5 at 8:00 AM

Life can sometimes be difficult and we can never get enough prayer.  When we pray together with believers, the effects can be miraculous.  Join us on every 1st Saturday of the month for our prayer gathering.


Newcomers Connect

Sunday, May 4  Following service

Newcomers Connect helps you to connect with CPM.  Whether it is your interest in membership or just finding out about the ministry, Newcomers Connect is where you take your next steps.  RSVP here!