Next Steps To Connect
Congratulations on deciding to take your next step. We are so excited to come alongside you as you move forward in your spiritual journey toward a life of freedom and fulfillment.
Step 1
Newcomers Connect
Have you been thinking about connecting with us? Whether you’re visiting for the first time or you’ve been visiting for a while, Newcomers Connect is the best entry point to take your next step. You will find out about CPM, we will answer any questions you may have about the ministry, and you will meet some of the staff.
Newcomers Connect is a prerequisite to membership at CPM, so RSVP today to get connected to help us share the love of Christ.
We meet the 1st Sunday of every other month immediately following our service. RSVP today by clicking on the button below. Refreshments will be served.
Step 2
Growth Track
Growth Track is an exciting way for new members to get connected to CPM. So if you are a new member, this is your next step.
Growth Track is a 3-week session designed to get new members oriented into the family of CPM. These classes will guide you to discover your purpose and live the life God created for you. They will equip you to 1) connect to the church, 2) discover the strength of your intentional design and 3) use your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.
GROWTH TRACK is a prerequisite for serving here at CPM, so make plans to attend Newcomers Connect and get signed up.
Session 1
Partner with us and discover the ins and outs of CPM. Learn about our beliefs, leadership, history, and our faith.
Session 2
Dive into the details of your spiritual gifts and begin your journey of discovering your purpose in life.
Session 3
Find out what it means to make a difference with CPM and connect to the opportunities available. Serve others by using your God-given gifts.
Step 3
Find A Life Group
Life Groups are people doing life together. We do better at life when we are connected with people and have a place to belong. Sharing life within the community is a part of our design. Find a life group where you can grow in faith and create lasting relationships.
Step 4
Join A Care Team
What is a CARE Team? It is a group of incredible people who have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them. By welcoming everyone in the parking lot by the parking team, to making everyone feel welcomed on the Welcome Team, we all are here to CARE–Create A Remarkable Experience! So get connected and make a diference.
Need help finding your next step?
If you’re not sure what your next step is, just fill out a quick form and a member of our team will help you find it out.